By Chidomere Ndubuisi

- January 12, 2023

I finished youth service in early 2006, I couldn’t get a job after my friends got jobs at banks and Oil companies, but one good choice changed my life.

In 2007, I made one of the most important choices in my life. That choice was to work for free at a Business Centre along Mbari Street and that was where I met my destiny helper.

We have this limiting belief and assumption that once we graduate, we should get a high-paying job and enjoy life, but I saw myself challenging it.

The choice was to stop looking for employment with my certificate, but deploy my computer skills and capabilities in problem-solving activities and allow the universe to reward me.

I made a choice to remain committed to my values, to persevere, and to have patience with what life will throw at me. I made sacrifices and disciplined myself to put off short-term desires aside for the sake of long-term goals.

I considered my choice lucky because I deployed my skills and sowed them in fertile ground that yielded good fruits. I say this because sometimes good choices can lead to poor or bad outcomes especially when you work for Bad-Boss.

This 2023, Be mindful of waste and be careful where you invest your time, skills, energy, and resources.

If you want to be leading a successful and fulfilling life, you have to be very conscious and intentional about the choices you make. Be deliberate in developing good decision-making skills this year.

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