I have always believed that one of the greatest gifts we can give others is to help them see the world in a new way with their minds.
Learning to see with your mind and not your eyes is a crucial skill every business person must have in other to succeed.
In business, it is not about what your eyes can see but what your mind can envision and create for the future. Our mind gives meaning and context to what our eyes see.
A few days ago, I invited one of our enterprising young ladies, and she has a lot of passion and drive. She has a great product, but I have this burden that she is missing out on new opportunities and growth in her industry.
She was only seeing her business through the lens of her eyes and not the lens of her mind. Through our conversation, I opened her mind to a world of new possibilities and opportunities that lies within her.
I encouraged her to rediscover herself, think creatively, challenge the status quo, and never settle for good-enough.
I needed her to see beyond what is in front of her, so she can tap into the power of the mind to unlock possibilities that will bring great success to her business.
I will keep supporting her to explore new markets, tap into her creativity and imagination to strategies, create and experiment with new products that bring significant value to the people.
Dear Leader, if your mind is blind to the possibilities, then your eyes will be blinded to the opportunities that are right in front of you. You will be mistaken them for obstacles and challenges.
Let’s help others see the world with their minds so we can unlock possibilities and opportunities for greatness.