Dear CEO,
With the challenges in the country, avoid double tragedy. Don’t lose your mind because you lost something important to you. It will be too bad losing the two same time.
I know how it feels to lose something of value, but wisdom directs us to guard and control our minds, because our minds are still capable of producing better things that we haven’t imagined.
Don’t lose God because you lost important things, He gifted you the important things and still capable of giving you much more better things.
Don’t lose your health because you lost some wealth. Health is wealth, please protect your physical and mental health.
The above were the Holy Spirit’s advice in those my silent moments of pain.
So don’t let peace and sleep become an illusion. Don’t allow fear to grip your surroundings and negativity fill your thoughts.
Don’t make life worse for yourself, make it better because Oluwa is still involved.